Monday, February 25, 2008

A Successful Table gathering

Recently, we invited a few new people to attend and taste what it is like when a group of neighbors gather together. There was a great turn out and great food eaten. It was a delightful evening getting to know each other.


moses said...

Hi Melissa!

I'm trying this for the first time. Did it work? Are you making me a techie?! If it is working, I just wanted you to know that you're doing an awesome job, and that this blog is "AWESOME"!!!!
Moses (my blog name) heh,heh.

moses said...

Hi Melissa!

Ok this is my first step as an author. Did it work? I hope more of our people join in.


Abbaskid78 said...

Melissa, the website looks great! It's neat you included photos from the Biblical Literacy class.

Mary Y. from the Ness Table