Saturday, December 6, 2008
Stock the Storehouse Open House
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
How to host your own Stock the Storehouse Party
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Looking for a Women's Bible Study?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Orphans Passion
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Weekend News
Looking for a place to make a difference in the life of a Willow family? Serving is a great way to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people in need. If you like working with your hands, there is an opportunity in Bartlett this Saturday. Below is a portion of a note from Anne Rand at Willow that describes the need.
On a beautiful day like today, it's hard to imagine people are still cleaning up from the devastating floods two weeks ago. But they are--and having had the opportunity to speak with one Willow family directly, I saw up close and personal how lost and overwhelmed they feel. The Bartlett family had 3 feet of water throughout their first floor destroying their kitchen, living room and all the appliances, furnace, etc. This Saturday, October 4 and possible additional days into the future, we could use people who are generally handy with installation of flooring, drywall and a host of other semi-skilled needs.
Bartlett Relief Efforts
Click the link above to sign up for Saturday or come for part of the day. Those who can serve other days, email Eric who is organizing additional times.
Are you applying your INFLUENCE in the lives of others? A great place to begin is in the Atrium at Willow Creek South Barrington after weekend services. Stop by the Bartlett/South Elgin sign and connect with others from the community. Help yourself to free coffee and donuts. More people are coming each week and great conversations take place.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Lake Geneva Outing
Friday, September 5, 2008
Weekend News
It is exciting to hear how many of you are taking specific steps to move forward on your spiritual journey. Classes @ Willow is a path many chose and the fall options begin next week. If you are ready for the challenge, register now. For those willing to expand your ability to come along side others in your group, sign up for “Call to Care” training on Saturday 9/20 or Wednesdays in November.
Recently, people have begun forming a variety of relational groups in their communities. Beginning the weekend of September 13 & 14 at South Barrington, following all services, people will be encouraged to connect with others from their area in the Atrium. After the service you attend, stop by our area in the Atrium and connect with people from the community.
Set aside the evening of October 16 for a free gift of time with Will Miller at Willow Creek. He is one of the speakers at the Group Life Conference and will offer a private session for Willow leaders. He is a unique individual with experiences that will serve you. For those who can attend the Group Life Conference, there is a special $ 67.00 rate for Willow . Register now using Priority Code WCCCA8 by September 9.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday Gathering with Student Impact
Friday, August 8, 2008
Willow Leadership Summit 8.8.08 Highlights
This day was filled with conversations over times when the Holy Spirit prompted leaders to step out. Craig Groeschel, Pastor of Lifechurch.TV, Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship Ministries, Catherine Rohr of Prison Entrepreneurship Program, Brad Anderson of Best Buy, and Bill Hybels all spoke of times the Holy Spirit prompted action in a clear and present way. While it is different for individuals everyone acknowledged the unmistakable presence.
Have you had an encounter with God through the Holy Spirit? What action did you take? What results were produced? How did it mark your life? We would like to hear your story as a comment below.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Willow Leadership Summit 8.7.08 Highlights
- Each had a clear call to their mission.
- Everyone was passionate about their calling.
- Through their passion, appeals to the mission were compelling.
Each person shared personal stories that Bill George described as "Crucibles in Life". These significant leaders were close and personal about their lives which drew people to their cause.
If you attended the Leadership Summit, leave a comment telling us which session impacted you most and how.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Weekend News
and shows His love for the alien by giving him food and clothing.
Deuteronomy 10:18
“Throughout history, God has called his people to care for orphans. With millions of orphans worldwide the task is great, but our God is greater still! He is looking for people who will love, care and advocate for a child without a forever family.
As a mother of two internationally adopted daughters, I’ve had the opportunity to witness first hand and learn about the plight of orphans. It has long been a desire of my heart to be involved in reaching out to these children by providing for them and showing them God’s love.
If you are interested in exploring a group that reaches out to orphans, I invite you to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, August 19th at 7:00pm in downtown Bartlett. For more information or to R.S.V.P., please contact me, Dina Ackermann, at 630-213-3558 .”
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Elgin Blitz Build 2008
The neighbors have been praying for this house for years. This house was shut down by the city several times because of drugs, gangs, shootings, and it once housed illegal immigrants. Everyone feels that the hand of God directed this. The neighbors prayers have finally been answered.
The permits and permisions were not finalized until the day before the start of the build. The owners, C.J. and Andy did not find out they were going to get this house until Friday night, the night before the build. They were very excited and thankful for this.
The week of the Build was very exciting. There were surprises all around. A busted pipe that emitted an odor that no one wanted to be around. The house was considered a historic building so there had to be a plan b. It had sunk about an inch and had to be jacked up and reinforced. A Funk & Wagnall's Literary Digest dated February 12, 1927 was found. The neighbors were extremely happy with what is going on that they also lent a hand. There was also great food served each day from different restaurants in the area and homemade entres and goodies from different volunteers. There were some minor injuries but all in all, it was a successful and rewarding week. Thank you to all who participated and prayed for the team.
The project was too big to be finished in one week and help is still needed to finish it. If you are interested, please click here and sign up. To read and view more pictures about this build and other communities, go to the official Blitz Build blog.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Another Beautiful Sunday for Baptism!
Our Community tent was a big success and it was easy for everyone to find us and fellowship with us. We hope to have more people meet with us next time.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Swing Batter!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Community Weekend News
Blitz Build projects at Elgin & Riverwoods begin Saturday and continue through next week. Please join your neighbors and friends from the South West Communities serving at these projects. Click here to sign up.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Dad's Fest 2008
Willow Serves in Costa Rica - Serve today
In March 2008, Mars Manderico (middle picture, middle), who is part of our
local Willow family, went on a serving trip to Fraijanes, Costa Rica. The
team of 12 was charged with digging trenches three feet wide by four feet
deep for the foundation of a new church and rehabilitation facility. Once
they got started, it was no stopping them. They finished about 90%. of the
perimeter of the church portion. They not only were involved in this hard
labor serving, but they had time for fellowship, and, of course, they
zip-lined through the jungle and hiked among waterfalls. That week was
just a glimpse into the adventures that lie ahead for all eternity.
During the week of June 21-29, more from Willow will be serving in Costa
Rica, the Gulf Coast, and locally. You still have time to sign up for
Blitz Build 2008 to meet needs and change lives in our South West Community
-- Elgin and St. Charles.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Arne Ness Baptism Story
If you are considering baptism, please visit Willow Creek Baptism website.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Community Weekend News
Celebrate Dads at DadFest as a community.Join our Area Pastor and others from South West Communities at Dad Fest 08. This year there will be a dedicated area for the SouthWest Communities. (Look for the tractors) If you have a classic or unique vehicle and would like to display it, let us know. To help manage display spaces in “our area” tell us which day(s) and the number of vehicles you will bring. God always shows up at Dad Fest and lives are significantly impacted. If you can help “greet people” in the area and are open to interesting conversations on a great summer weekend tell us. Reply here with DadFest thoughts and information.
Take a step on your spiritual journey by registering for classes now that will begin on June 18 at South Barrington.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Thank you to all who participated in the Celebration of Hope!
As of May 18, Willow volunteers has reached our goal of 3.5 million packed meals and collected $535,000 for COH. Way to go Creekers! Children of Zimbawe will be a little bit healthier thanks to the many volunteers that scooped, weighed and packed.
Celebration of Hope website.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Community Weekend News
To help you stay informed, visit the South West Community Life Blog site. It will serve both the South Elgin/St Charles North/ Southwest Elgin & Bartlett Communities.
Following services this weekend at Willow, Bill & Greg will provide an update on Community Life. Plan to stay a few minutes for this information and next steps.
Last week we mentioned keeping open May 31 for a gathering with Dallas Willard. That meeting has been postponed and will NOT occur as planned. Sorry for the change!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Mother's Day Weekend News
Thanks to the help of 1900 volunteers from the Southwest Communities, 280,000 meals at the Elgin site, and 190,000 meals at the Streamwood site were prepared. It was a great experience and exciting to make a difference in lives of many children.
Mark your calendar and reserve Saturday May 31 for a special Community Life opportunity with Dallas Willard at Willow Creek. Details will follow next week. This will be a significant gathering to attend.
Housing construction is a tangible way to serve people in need. Willow’s Blitz Build provides a variety of opportunities at two locations in our area. They include skilled, unskilled, and support roles. For information about the St. Charles Riverwoods site, attend an informational meeting there on Sunday May 18 at 1:30 PM. Pizza will be provided.
For the Elgin site, contact Todd if you would like to serve on the Prayer Team, Snack Team, Clean Up team, Support Team, Hospitality Team, or Purchasing Team.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Community Weekend News
Last Saturday, 50 of you attended a Blitz Build information meeting and signed up to serve at local projects in June. Many are also reducing consumption and participating in the “solidarity challenge” as part of the Celebration of Hope this week. While this is significant, even greater is the fact that over 1000 of you have registered to serve this weekend packing food for Feed My Starving Children! This is incredible! It is humbling to serve with people who display the heart of God and respond to needs. If you have not registered, please do so now as we opened a few more serving opportunities allowing us to package even more food.
If some of you can arrive 30 minutes before your shift and assist with sign in, that will be a great help. Let Arne Ness, Bob Allen, or myself know at the site.
Partnering with you,
LaVerne Weber Area Pastor